Calling in Reinforcements
Hi Friend,
I told myself I wasn’t going to post this week because I have a big presentation I’ve been preparing for (wish me luck!), and I’ve been trying to streamline as much as possible to conserve energy.
BUT this weekend I came across a quote that really struck me, and I realized that by not sharing – by never posting something I didn’t spend substantial time writing or perfecting – I’d be letting perfect be the enemy of the good, which basically defeats the whole purpose of what I’m trying to do here.
So here I am! And here’s what I wanted to share:
This quote epitomizes everything that prompted me to start this blog, as it reflects a belief that I once so deeply internalized, but am now determined to reject.
Because it’s not just destructive, it’s inaccurate.
You are special.
In fact, you are priceless.
But your worth has absolutely nothing to do with your appearance, your accomplishments, or your ability to please, perfect, or perform.
And by exhausting yourself trying to do so you are only diminishing the core parts of you that make you you.
Don’t believe me? Ask the people you care most about in this world to tell you what they love most about you.
Seriously, ask them to identify the top 5 things.
I promise you their answers won’t be what you might think.
I know this because this is something I actually did a few years ago when I was trying desperately to release the intense, even obsessive pressure I felt to “perfect” myself on certain external metrics.
The responses, which I printed out, taped in my journal, and continue to re-read to this day when I find myself in need of a reminder included things like:
You are loving, caring, and warm. You care deeply about those you love, and you do not hesitate to let them know how much you care.
You are open and honest in talking about your life, which makes me feel comfortable talking to you and trusting you.
You make me laugh.
You are brave. You are facing your demons and overcoming them.
You are not impressed by superficial qualities. You choose people who are honest and true over the most popular or flashy people in the room.
It may not shock you to hear that these were not the qualities I’d been stressing over/killing myself to cultivate. They are, however, the aspects of me that are first to go when I’m too anxious or exhausted to show up as my true self.
So today, I invite you to really ask yourself (and/or your biggest supporters — I’m telling you, they’re often far less biased in this regard): What is it that really makes you you?
As for me, as I finish prepping for my presentation, I’ll be trying to embody the wisdom of a far more inspiring quote I read recently:
“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.” - Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
With love,