What We Can Learn From Cucumbers and Ice Cubes
Our perfectionist brains often tell us to give up when we don’t see immediate progress. Here’s why we should stick it out.

A Softer Approach
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught myself trying to perfect my “perfectionism recovery.” Here’s how you can try a softer approach.

You Can’t F*ck Up, You Can Only Find Out
While perfectionists often believe their fear of failure drives them forward, the truth is it’s actually holding them back. Here’s how you can break that pattern.

From Fear to Freedom
We do NOT need to extinguish our fear entirely in order to enjoy the fruits of freedom. We just need to be willing to accept the fear long enough to take even the tiniest step to shift the balance.

Stepping Away from the Story
Whether or not we choose to recognize it, the stories we tell ourselves end up shaping our reality. Here’s how you can reclaim your narrative.

HOW IN THE WORLD Can I Maintain My Well-Being When…?!
Read on for strategies for conserving energy and maximizing well-being even during major crunch periods.

More of This, Please
Over the years, I’ve learned that it is honoring my values — nothing more and nothing less — that makes me feel whole.

Wanna Skip the Line?
Sometimes, investing a relatively small amount of time and effort NOW pays off dividends down the line by increasing both the speed and ease with which you can achieve your desired outcome.

Thinking of You
Do you ever find yourself waiting … and waiting for the perfect time to reach out? It’s time to stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Where the “Woo” Meets the Work
While I see the value in envisioning your dream so you can make it your reality, the inner pragmatist/lawyer in me will probably never feel comfortable leaving things totally up to chance.

Starved for Time?
Read on to learn how you can win back some of your time (or at least feel like you are).

Reclaiming Control
I recently realized that the perfectionist tendencies I’d once developed to give myself a much-needed sense of control were now robbing me of my agency and power.

Self-Compassion for Skeptics
As you probably know by now, self-compassion is one of my very favorite topics to write and teach about. This is because, in addition to being the #1 skill about which my clients and students are initially most skeptical, it is also the one that proves to be most POWERFUL in terms of maximizing both their well-being and their professional performance.

Breaking the Cycle
In a recent podcast episode, I explore the pernicious relationship I had with my perfectionism for much of my life, and how finally having something to lose forced me to decide whether and how to make space for a different approach.

Faulty Logic
Herein lies the conundrum for many Type A+ perfectionists: Because, at some point, we started OVER-doing things and obtained good results, we are terrified, and often completely unwilling, to deviate from that approach, even if doing so produces severe negative consequences. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Appealing to Skeptics
Finally, I found a way to make positive psychology palatable to even the most raging over-achiever.

Calling in Reinforcements
Ask the people you care most about in this world to tell you what they love about you. I promise you their answers won’t be what you might think.

Here’s to Taking Up Space
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how much of my life I’ve spent trying to be small.

How to Avoid the Top 5 Regrets of the Dying
Last week I posted about the life-extending properties of connection, but the truth is you could still die tomorrow. So it’s worth reflecting on what it would take for you to say that you led a life well-lived should that come to pass.

Listen Up: Because This Post Just Might Save Your Life
In addition to housing Valentine’s Day, February is also Heart Health Awareness Month. There’s a really good reason for that.